Revert Wars

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Revision as of 17:17, 10 April 2007 by Chris (talk | contribs) (protect, how to win)
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Revert Wars is a popular computer game created by the Wiki Corporation. This multi-player real-time strategy involves the players "fighting" by reverting and un-reverting edits on certain pages within a wiki. Popular Revert Wars servers include: Wikipedia, Uncyclopedia, and any other wiki on the Internet which allows anonymous edits. A common tactic used by registered users, a.k.a. cheaters, is to protect the page(s) involved in the revert war so that they can unfairly enact a victory for themselves. Unregistered users have fought back by registering for accounts to be able to (un)protect pages themselves, and thus undo any possible advantage that anyone else has. The winner is chosen whenever the page(s) in question remain unreverted for three days in a row, or until one side of the revert war gives up in futility.